The Art of Walter Quirt
The Art of Walter Quirt
Selected Art of Walter Quirt
Photo's of Walter Quirt
Photos of Walter
Photos of Walter
Slide Show Photos of Walter Quirt
An analysis of Walter's Work
Contact Form
Additional Catalog of Older Art. Most Location Unknown
Additional Slide show of Older Art. Most location Unknown
Walter Quirt Retrospective 1980
Walter Quirt Retrospective 1980 Foreward
WQ Retrospective, Romare Bearden on Quirt
WQ Retrospective, Raphael Soyer on Quirt
WQ Retrospective, James Guy on Quirt
WQ Retrospective Malcolm Meyers on Quirt
Special Sorting
Frederick Holmes & Complany
Family Collection: Andrew, Peter, Jonathan
The Art of Walter Quirt
Slide Shows of Walter's Art
Walter Quirt's Art Pre 1934
Walter Quirt's Art 1934-1935
Walter Quirt's Art 1936-1939
Walter Quirt's Art 1940-1941
Walter Quirt's Art 1942-1944
Walter Quirt's Art 1945-1947
Walter Quirt's Art 1948-1949
Walter Quirt's Art 1950-1951
About Works on Paper
Fred Holmes Gallery WOP
Andy's family WOP
Jon's family WOP
Peter's family WOP
WOP at Collection
Walter Quirt's Art 1952-1956
Walter Quirt's Art 1957-1960
Walter Quirt's Art 1961-1962
Walter Quirt's Art 1963-1966
Location of Canvas Art
Core Group
Peter's House Canvas
Jon's House Canvas
Andy's House Canvas
Canvas at Fred Holmes Gallery.
Art to Locate
Fred's 2017 Inventory
Painting with no #
Andy's Family Works on Paper of Walter Quirt
Andy submitted the below as being at his house 4/9/18
Was not in 2011 inventory